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Email Marketing : Tricks, Tips, and Everything Else

The first marketing email dates back to the 1970s. Yep. Emails are *that* old! While phones from 2019 are being called “outdated”, the humble email seems to be thriving! Take it from us, being in the digital marketing space for quite some time now, we have the first-hand experience of how email marketing can work when done the right way. It can inform, engage and even lay the foundation to creating a loyal customer base that looks forward to hearing from you.

5 Tips and Tricks to Avoid the Spam Folder

Emails have the potential to build an authentic relationship with your customers. If you don’t want to end up in the spam folder, follow these tips and tricks:

1. Making the emailer list

With more people being concerned about their privacy (and rightfully so), getting access to personal information such as an email id is not a cakewalk. If you want someone’s email id, you have to first offer them something, in return for which they can provide you their email. Have a specific ‘call to action’. According to your target audience, entice them with a newsletter, updates about a certain niche, and giveaways to gain their confidence.

2. Be consistent

This does not mean sending an email every day unless that is what is expected of you. If your content has to reach the receiver once a week, it has to be in their inbox every week without fail.

3. Send an introductory email and a follow-up

The one email more important than your introductory email is the one that quickly follows. Soon after you welcome them onboard, you have to send another email with details about what can be expected from the upcoming emails.

4. Creative content

Keep in mind that you are one among a sea of other emails that customers are accustomed to ignoring. Give them a reason to second-glance your email. A catchy subject line is key. The ability of the main content to keep them hooked comes second.

5. Invest in a digital marketer

Digital marketers are knee-deep into email marketing. Give them specific details as to what you want your emails to do and leave the rest to them.

Elevate Your Brand with Expert Email Marketing

Email marketing holds an array of potential when it comes to gaining a loyal audience to your brand. To tap into this potential, you need an expert by your side, guiding and leading throughout the whole process. Email marketing services at ODigMa, are everything you need and deserve for taking your company to heights unknown.  

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