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The Ultimate Social Media Marketing Checklist: 7 Steps to Follow

Social media is a tricky place especially if you are a business trying to reach your target audience. Unlike regular people, as a company, you don’t have close friends waiting to comment fire and kiss emojis to amp your posts up. 

The relationship your target audience shares with you are highly contingent. Meaning, you could post one amazing article and your target audience could be head over heels for you. However, if your next post fails to meet the expectation, half your target audience could desert your page. Truth bomb disclaimer: Your target audience is not going to stick around in the hope that you will come up with better posts. You are not Romeo and they are not your Juliet to stand by you through thick and thin.

If you lose your audience, you have to constantly prove to them that you are worthy of better posts and convince them to trust you. This is where the value of social media marketing services comes in – guiding you through posting on social media without stumbling.

7 Steps to Follow for Every Post:

Are you maintaining consistency?

A schedule that you strictly follow for social media posts is a must-have. You have to consistently post on your accounts to keep your audience engaged. Before they get a chance to ask “Why am I following this page?” you have to come up with the next post reminding them why. Don’t spam either!

Are you engagement-ready?

Merely posting and sitting back will not help your audience. You need to be there to reply to comments and DMs. You also need to drive the engagement by posting titles that draw conversations, use polls, create shareable content and use other features available. 

Are your posts target audience specific?

If your audience wanted to read posts that sound like hard news, they would just do that. Social media is a chaotic, fun, happening place. There is no space for boredom in it. Reach out to your audience in ways that click with them. Post relatable content in tones that they appreciate. For instance, to engage with Gen Z, you need to be aware of the slang that they use and stay away from the ones that you as a boomer or millennial might use.

Do you have attractive visuals?

Social media is all about visuals. For your post to stand out, you need attractive visuals even if the content doesn’t demand a pictorial representation. Get your graphics team involved.

Have you incorporated relevant hashtags?

Hashtags can play a role in reaching your target audience. However, you need to use them wisely. Don’t overuse hashtags. Instead, include only the most relevant ones.

Have you fact, grammar & spell-checked?

If you want to avoid another ‘Covfefe’ incident that could potentially make you the laughing stock of the week, you better do a thorough spell and grammar check. You have to mandatorily do a fact check as well as avoid giving out fake news, steer clear of lawsuits, and avoid pissing off people.

Are you posting at the ideal time?

If you are posting at a time your target audience is busy at work or sleeping, by the time they get on the app, your post will be buried 6 feet under the earth. Do some research to find the best time to post on social media to reach your target audience and engage with them.

Transform Your Approach with Expert Social Media Marketing Services

If you have been following these 7 steps for every one of your posts, you are on the right track. These are some of the basic factors we, at Odigma, a best social media marketing agency, make sure are followed before any of our client’s content is posted. If you have been having a hard time with social media, reach out to us, the experts in the field. These tips, combined with the quality content we can create, ensuring a momentary pause while scrolling, can get you the right kind of engagement and following from your target audience every time.

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