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3 Amazing Social Media Hacks To Go Viral

When you put all your life’s hard work into that one social media campaign or post and hope it goes viral, but instead, a picture of an egg does, it leaves you questioning your whole existence. If you are trying to find answers to the million questions about how a picture of an egg got more likes than a supermodel, it’s the absurdity of the internet.

While absurdity always seems to have a place on the internet, there is also space for well-thought-out creativity. And the path to getting to that space is solely through your target audience.  

Creating Content That Drives Social Media Engagement and Sharing

With over 2 million blog posts created every day, you might think it’s a stretch to hope for your content to go viral. The point is to not just reach out to your target audience but to make them take the content forward. For this to happen, you need to know your audience better than they know themselves. 

1. Get extremely specific when finding your target audience:

There is no place for vague demographics when it comes to finding out exactly what your audience is expecting.  Once you track down your specific audience, the rest of the information like where to advertise, what type of content, preferred response, and more flows easily.

2. Emotional content has a good potential to go viral:

By emotional, we mean anything that people can relate to, and it is key that they do relate or identify with it. An emotional bond created with the audience is long-lasting.

3. Easy to share content:

Content that allows feedback is how you can get your target audience to be more involved and interactive with your content. The getting-it-viral part of the content has to be done by the audience and not you.

Reaching Your Target Audience with Odigma’s Social Media Marketing Expertise

One of the best ways to go about the content that you want to publish is by contacting a best social media marketing agency. Identifying and reaching out to your target audience requires quite a lot of experimenting and time. Since digital marketers have been in the lab for quite a while, they are aware of new trends and will be able to identify the best way in which things work for you.   

At Odigma, we specialise in creating campaigns with the objective of reaching your target audience and making an impact and oftentimes, the simple trick to getting those phenomenal numbers is starting by knowing who would most likely share what we put out!

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